Water and Food Safety: Only drink bottled, boiled, or treated water. Avoid eating unpeeled fruits or vegetables. When eating street food, choose vendors with a high turnover of customers and ensure the food is cooked in front of you.
Malaria Prevention: Uganda has a high risk of malaria. Take antimalarial medication and prevent mosquito bites by using repellent on your skin and clothes, wearing long trousers and shirts in the early morning and evenings, and sleeping under a mosquito net.
Other Mosquito-Borne Diseases: There is a risk of dengue fever, chikungunya, and Zika virus in Uganda. These are also transmitted by mosquitoes, but there are no preventative medications for them. Prevent mosquito bites as best you can.
Bilharzia Prevention: To avoid contracting bilharzia, a parasitic disease transmitted by freshwater snails, do not swim or wade in any fresh water. Hotel swimming pools are safe.
Healthcare System
Public vs. Private Facilities: Uganda has both public and private healthcare facilities. Public facilities are often understaffed and lack medical equipment and drugs. For any health problems or medical emergencies, it is advisable to visit a private clinic or hospital, where you will need to pay for treatment upfront and then seek reimbursement from your travel insurance.
Travel Insurance
Minor Emergencies: For non-serious medical issues, head to the nearest town and find a private clinic or hospital.
Serious Emergencies: For more serious emergencies, unless you are in Kampala and can reach a private clinic, you will need to contact a medical evacuation service.